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Created 14-Mar-17
33 photos

ParaReality, or as I also define it, Out Of My Mind, is a collection of artistic visions that developed during the scanning process of years of travelling in the pre-digital era. All images were originally shot on film then compiled in my mind to produce a vision of the final product. Basically a "this looks good with that" mentality with 3 different schemes...people's backs in an actual place but with something that's out of pace...birds/"fairies" in a fantasy place and SkyMan which is self explanatory. All clearly out of my mind.

Categories & Keywords
Subcategory:Digital Compositions
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:Bratislava, Ettal, Venice, artistic collages, artistic composites, artistic compositions, artistic vision, cranes, fairies, fantasy, fantasy people, fantasy places, herons, parrots, people's backs, swans