My time in Hawaii was limited but I shot as much as I could in 6 days. From the beaches at Waikiki and the North Shore to Pearl Harbor and the Waimea Valley Audubon Center, Oahu is a beautiful island and well worth the 6 hour flight from LA. To this day it is the only place in the US that I found more Japanese people than actual US citizens. Pearl Harbor, like Arlington National Cemetary, is hallowed ground...a sacred place where it is unlikely that you will leave unmoved, perhaps to tears. The North Shore area is where you will find the iconic and "gotta eat there" shrimp trucks and the Audbon Center with a one mile stroll through botanical gardens and ending at the Waimea waterfall. From Waikiki it is a deceptively long walk to Diamond Head but there is a lot to see along the way. Aloha
Categories & Keywords
Category:Travel and Places
Subcategory:North America
Subcategory Detail:United States of America
Keywords:Diamond Head, Hawaii, Hawiian Sunset, North Shore, Oahu, Pearl Harbor, Shrimp Trucks, Waikiki